Welcome to the Eagle Lake Manor Community Association's Website

10-16-24   For all Water users we have LCRR information on Lead and Copper inventory.  The Manor is unaware of any Lead or Copper pipes on the main.  We have never encountered them when doing repairs/ Replacement.  Our Certified Operators of the system have only found Galvanized.  
You may get letters from a Jacobs Engineering firm or the DNR in the future either asking questions about your private home water lines, plumbing fixtures and if you have water softeners or filters.  FYI Homeowners are responsible for their own water lines from the shut off / buffalo box, to the house.  The EPA is making stricter laws about these and will let the DNR know what they may have to do in the future.  We have online on this website all the water testing results and the inventory of the water lines we have running thru the Manor for the Water Users. 
We currently have 105 Water Users on the system.  We do extensive testing with the DNR & we have to stick to the schedule they give us for what we test.  We do Bacterial testing once a month and other extensive testing, like lead, copper, mineral, arsenic and ect approx. every 3 years.  They very with the DNR.  We also had to do a PFAS testing this last year and it came back negative also.  Due to this we are exempt from Standard testing, that one would do for selling your home.  If you need any information on the tests, if selling your home or need a copy of the regulations, they are all on this site under the community well section.  You can also contact one of the board members to get the information if you need it.  We have them all at the clubhouse also.  
You will be soon receiving your new bills for Lots and Water.  We have kept the fees the same for the lots, but we did have to raise the water fees to help with inflation / raising costs that are costing us.  The system is old, but it is still working and the pumphouses are in great shape.  This is the first time in over 20yrs that we have had to raise the fees.  We raised the $50 more per yr.  So the total for water for the Year is $300 in lieu of the $250.  Way less then any other community wells in the area.  We know this will be a hardship for some with everything raising in costs.  We are sorry, but we can not run the system in the red and not have money available for the repairs if needed.  Please contact a board member if you need help with your bill to make arrangements with our treasurer.

10-8-24 The new Sept Bacterial results taken 10-2-24 came back absent. October results back also Absent. 

10-2-24 We were notified from the DNR that our sample taken for bacterial - E coli, on 9-30-24 was not received during the allowable time on 9-30-24 therefore unacceptable and location was hose bib not kitchen faucet. The DNR has requested we retake the sample ASAP and we have.  We are just waiting on the results at this time. 

1-23-23 We currently are having a well / Pump/ Electrical issue at the 2nd pumphouse. Which is causing very low water pressure to most of the homes at this time.  We may also have a leak on Lakeshore Dr.  We are currently working on getting everything fixed and will have it up back running as soon as possible.

1-18-24 We have a leak on Adams St & will need to shut off the main. Mostly tomorrow after 9AM for a few hrs.  With this cold weather it is bound to happen.  We will keep you updated as soon as possible.

12-20-23We had another successful Cookies with Santa this year and hope to continue them each year.  Thank you for all that helped. 

12-14-23 We are Having our Annual "Cookies with Santa" this Saturday, Dec 16th @ 11/75, from 11Am to 1PM.  Please bring your kids & or Grandkids to come talk to Santa, decorate cookies and Pizza party. 

Just a reminder that bills have been out for 6 months if you are on the payment plan please pay your 2nd half of your water bill & If you have not paid anything on your water bill or lot fees from the last billing cycle, we will be putting liens on at the court house soon & If you are delinquent on your water bill we will be doing shut offs soon as well. 

We still are looking for bids to put in the baseball diamond backing yet. So if you know anyone with equipment to install and have insurance. Please have them contact a member of the board to submit a bid. 

I was notified by the Town of Dover that a few numbers have changed.  The Building Inspector Cell # is  262-895-9405 and Non emergency for the Town of Dover Water Patrol is 262-758-0450.